Fruitegic Quest Original Fruitegic HTML5 game

Aw, check it out! We’ve got this totally rad game called Fruitegic Quest where players get to match up fruits and collect bomb cocktail recipes. Not only that, it’s a super chill game so you can just sit back, relax and have a blast. Trust me, you don’t want to miss out on this fruity adventure!

Embark on a fruity adventure with Fruitegic Quest! Not only will you sharpen your memory with every challenging match, but you’ll also discover delicious cocktail recipes that will leave your taste buds singing. Every month brings new episodes and challenges, giving you even more opportunities to expand your recipe collection. As you advance, each unlock reveals a helpful hint or booster to assist you on your quest. With each recipe you uncover, you’ll feel inspired to concoct unique and creative drinks that are sure to impress your friends and family. Join us on this exciting journey and let’s raise a glass to a fun and fruitful experience!

The game score and progress is automatically saved in local storage. When you clear the browser storage all data is removed as well. If you want to keep your score, please do not clear your browser data storage. Soon we will add platform log in so you can save your score and never lose it. In case you face some issues while playing, try to delete your browser history and start the game again. If this do not help, please contact us:

Share our game, copy code below and embed the game to your website.
For more information check our Fruitegic lab page.

<iframe width=”560″ height=”315″ allow=”fullscreen; autoplay; encrypted-media” src=”” frameborder=”0″ allowfullscreen=”true” msallowfullscreen=”true” mozallowfullscreen=”true” webkitallowfullscreen=”true” allowpaymentrequest=”false” referrerpolicy=”unsafe-url” sandbox=”allow-same-origin allow-forms allow-scripts allow-pointer-lock allow-orientation-lock allow-popups” scrolling=”no”></iframe>